Monday 11 July 2011

Berhampur Radio Station shines with international awards

The media station of Berhampur has got every reason for its celebration. The Director of the Radio Station of Berhampur, Dr. Hrushikesh Panda has been awarded with National Awards for his productions in regard to social awareness.
Dr. Panda is the director as well as eminent literati who has been recognized with many national and international awards for his radio programmes. “Phula Phutiba Bela” has been awarded recently for its rich social content. It is directed and produced by Dr. Panda. Recently he was also awarded with the International Asia Pacific Broadcasting award for his radio production on an AIDS awareness programme entitled “Cum Cum Morning Dear”. This award was conferred to him at the capital city of Japan, Tokyo. Dr. Panda has highlighted the concept of awareness regarding AIDS suffers in his productions.
He has taken the students of “Utakal Balasrama” in his documentary which has very effective messages.Dr. Panda was assisted by Hrushikesh Panigrahi who also works at the radio station of Berhampur.
Dr. Panda has assembled about 10 national and 2 international awards to his credit. Earlier his works were also appreciated in the international forum. His radio productions like “Khushi” and “Smruti” have also been recognised with awards at international level. The station has also been credited as one of its own kind in delivering programmes in various languages. The above documentaries highly displayed the human emotions and feelings on a high grade. While “Khusi” displayed the human happiness and actions of enlightening souls “Smruti” spoke about the dilemma and pain of the souls who were lost in the fury of 1999 the major flood that attacked Orissa. He was congratulated in his work place by various social organizations and by his staff members as well.
Source: Orissa Diary 

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